Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Friday night!

WEll, Friday night for us is working on hair forks! we are always making stuff, and usually were even before this was our job, it is also our love. SO for anyone else out there at the computer on Friday night heres a little piece of encouragement,no matter what today held for you, rest in this...


Life is a mixture of moments---
some happy, some sad and most in-between.
Make the most of each day as it happens.
Don't listen to those whispers of doubt;
ignore any voice that says you can't do something.

You're worthy, and you can go as far as you dare to dream.

Life will lead you according to your perceptions.

Let your viewpoint be filled with hope,

and keep your eyes focused on the positive.

I did say there would be a part 2 for the peek into the workings and goings on here in Grah-Toe Studio, and there will be..but i have to come up with the pictures and the words first! it is brewing and stewing and should not be long, so hold on and don't give up on me!! Perhaps it will be the BANG for our fourth of July post and surprise!
Have a blessed evening and weekend, see you soon!
Love to you all

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